Alumni Mag Features Are a Big Flex - Black Girl PR™

Alumni Mag Features Are a Big Flex

Imagine your alma mater holding you up as a success story for the world to see? Talmbout "we helped her make this dream a reality"...

I can’t fault them for taking this approach, but no, she did that! I've seen how hard she works and her ability to manifest her dreams is unmatched!

How It Started

This is Lavoughnda White, an amazing social enterprise founder and one of the hardest-working entrepreneurs I know. Her mission is to combat colorism and its negative impact in the black community. When we met she wanted to drive more traffic to her website and to get more PR for her brand.

She had previously been featured in Forbes and saw the value of PR, but she didn't know how to go about getting PR for herself. Luckily, she discovered Black Girl PR and I taught her the process. It didn’t take her long to understand the concept, and she was able to start implementing it right away. 

Soon, she managed to secure a feature with a local publication and actually, she started getting press before we'd even finished putting together her system. Then she leveraged the feature socially and by integrating it into her current marketing efforts to get it in front of even more people!

How It’s Going

Her success isn’t unique, but the key was that she took action. Which is why I wasn’t surprised at all when I saw this feature in Mary Baldwin University's magazine. I’m super-proud of Lavoughnda for this though because this feature is holding her up as a role model in a space that sorely lacks representation, while also bringing forward the little discussed topic of colorism!

I love that she’s normalizing this for the students, faculty and alumni of MBU because none of us are free if some of us are chained...

Check out Nah I’m Just Pretty and the phenomenal work that she’s doing. She just raised the bar, to be honest. Being featured in your alumni mag is a BIG flex!

If you’re looking to create an impactful brand presence while getting your brand in front of more people, take a look at my free case study video, "How To Get Publicity Without Breaking The Bank." Just enter your best email address to get instant access to it.


Black Girl PR™ is a Black-owned consulting firm focused on impact and getting client results. We serve Black womxn in ecommerce across the Diaspora and in Africa, helping them get publicity and media coverage, so they reach more people and have a bigger impact.

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