Reach More People Through The Brand Impact Program™

The Brand Impact Program


Imagine your ideal customer is scrolling on their phone when they see a story featuring your brand. And they click through to find out more about you because the story resonates. 

Now, imagine doing this on a grand scale...

Imagine getting TV spots, business profiles in magazines and features in the places that your ideal customer frequents. So they get to know, like and trust you because you're constantly in the feed.

You can do this with digital PR.

You can curate an online experience that draws customers more deeply into your brand every time they encounter it. 

it takes 5-7 brand impressions to remember your brand

Free Up Time To Focus On Your Craft

Using digital PR, you can place your brand on bigger platforms, so you reach more people. Having a presence on media platforms with big budgets and teams dedicated to driving traffic to these platforms, means you can leverage their marketing machine to get in front of more people.

If you want to spend less time online yet still reach a significant amount of people by showing up on platforms that already serve your ideal customer, this is for you.

Sign Up For The Brand Impact Program

The Brand Impact Program is a 12-week program designed to help you get your brand on bigger platforms, so you reach more people and have a bigger impact.

Our clients who’ve been through the Brand Impact Program™ have gotten features on major platforms, increased their reach to 7,444,490,273+ consumers, and increased their website traffic and sales by up to 60%.

In addition to visibility, the media exposure has brought them brand partnerships, corporate sponsorships, awards, and helped them claim their rightful place as industry leaders.

The Brand Impact Program™ has three main elements:

  1. An online learning center with course work, templates and everything you need to lay the foundation your publicity campaigns
  2. Mentorship and weekly group coaching calls to guide you through the process
  3. Accountability and support to help you stay on track and get the results you need

If you want to explore how The Brand Impact Program™ can help you expand your reach, let's connect.

Email or call 480-420-6810.

We'll talk about your vision for your brand, what you need to get where you want to be, and whether you're a good fit for the program.

Client Testimonials


Shemeka's Black Girl PR review

Black Girl PR client testimonial - Mommy Get Her Peace

Barbs "The Emotional Alchemist"

See more client results and case studies...