What It Looks Like When Your Brand Makes The Newsstands - Black Girl PR™

What It Looks Like When Your Brand Makes The Newsstands

A couple of days ago I walked into my local Target to grab Woman’s World, the most popular womxn's newsstand magazine with an audience of 4.62 million readers. It’s not a magazine that I usually read, but Ria’s Beauty Collection was featured in it, and she used my process to get the feature so I had to get a copy!

I was so hype I even recorded it!

How Being Featured In Magazines Increases Your Reach 

This is major for a couple of reasons. She’s in a magazine that’s on newsstands in 

  • 1,900 Target locations in all 50 states 
  • 600 Barnes & Nobles in every state
  • Airports and other key retail locations 

It’s also available online, via Amazon.com and you can even Instacart it if you don’t want to leave your house! She’s basically put herself in a position where womxn in households across America can discover her brand. Talk about increasing your reach, right? 

email from Ria's Beauty Collection about responce to Woman's World feature

And because the feature is also included in their online edition, she’s getting a link back to her website from this trusted platform (great for SEO!). Which also increases our chances of discovering her brand online because this is a piece of content on a high-ranking website, so it’s more likely to show up in search engine results when people go looking for information.

Leverage PR To Boost Your Credibility

consumers by based on trust

Image via Oberlo

In addition to getting her brand in front of more people, she gets a credibility boost because a trusted womxn’s publication is talking about her. And the majority of consumers buy based on trust, so doing as much as we can to cultivate trust is necessary.

Plus she actually gets to share her story and give people something to connect to, so those who resonate follow the breadcrumbs back to her website.

If this is the type of offline and online experience you’d like to create for you brand, grab my free case study video, "How To Get Publicity Without Breaking The Bank." It’s the same strategy that Ria’s Beauty Collection is using, and by the way, this is her 10th feature in 6½ months!

What do you have to lose? 


Black Girl PR™ is an award-winning consulting firm that serves Black womxn across the diaspora and in Africa. We help Black womxn in ecommerce get publicity and media coverage, so they reach more people and have a bigger impact.

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