Black Girl PR Nominated For Business of The Year (Thank You For Voting!) - Black Girl PR™

Black Girl PR Nominated For Business of The Year (Thank You For Voting!)

vote for Black Girl PR for Business of The Year Thank you for voting for Black Girl PR™! Your support means so much to me.

I started this company because I had no choice.
I remember sitting alone in my apartment in March 2020 thinking about what they would tell my Mom after getting me with stray bullets. I was so completely on edge and triggered by the smallest things, and it felt bizarre and totally off being around people who were unbothered by the way we’re openly and systematically terrorized.

Something Had To Change

So I withdrew myself and instead focused on what I could do to help us. Black Girl PR™ is one of the things that came out of that.

I ended up quitting everything to dedicate 100% of my time to building something that helps Black womxn get more representation in the medi, boosting their visibility, so ultimately they get more traffic and more sales.

More dollars.

Black businesses average revenue

Image via The Brookings Institution

Which means better access to food, health services, education etc., and of course real access to lobbyists so we can push for change in a meaningful way.

My Real Motivation 

This drives me.
And it excites me because I know that the results that I'm seeing now are just the beginning of something much greater.
So thank you for voting for me. Watching you show out is a reminder of how this is so much bigger than what I can conceive. And you're showing what a healthy community looks like and squashing all the stereotypes about disunity and lack of support in the Black community.
It's magnificent to watch! And such a blessing to experience...

Vote For Black Girl PR 

If you haven't had a chance to vote yet, I’m personally inviting you to! Black Girl PR has been nominated for a Buy From A Black Woman Business of The Year Award in the Professional Services category for the second year in a row! Click here to vote.
Professional Services is the second last category on the list and Black Girl PR is the third option in that section.

Thank you for making the time to cast your vote! I appreciate you!

vote for Black Girl PR for Business of The Year


Black Girl PR™ is a Black-owned digital PR firm that teaches Black womxn in ecommerce how to curate content that gets publicity and media coverage, so they reach more people and have a bigger impact. 

Learn exactly how we do it, watch our free case study video, "How To Get Publicity Without Breaking The Bank." 

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